The English Philosopher
Thomas Hobbes (1588) reasoned that in the absence of rules governing behavior,
‘man will live in the state of nature governed by his reason in service of his
passion’. It is therefore inherent in man that, in the absence of set rules, he
should strive at all cost to accomplish his or her desires. Thus, when there is
a collection of such uncompromising selfishness in forming nations and groups
well recognized and distinct from one another, it is exceedingly difficult to
ensure that nations or groups which have attained some form of upper hand do
not use this to intimidate others. The only way to prevent such an occurrence
is by basing on a common will and agreement among the nations to maintain peace
while pursuing development. For this kind of agreement to happen, the various
nations or groups must meet and come to a consensus on the rules of engagement
among themselves and also prescribe sanctions on any group among them that
flaunts these rules. When the nations meet and agree to follow certain rules
and to achieve certain goals, they form International Organizations or
Intergovernmental Organizations. Intergovernmental Organizations therefore
exist to oversee the many bilateral or multilateral relations among countries
of the world. This is necessary in ensuring global peace in today’s world where
many countries possess war machineries capable of wiping out the whole human
race. The following are elaborations of how Intergovernmental organizations
strive to promote peace in the global system.
To begin with, the need
for a global front against wars and extreme conflicts necessitates the
formation of Intergovernmental Organizations such as The United Nations. The
United Nations was formed in April, 1945 to replace The League of Nations which
had failed to prevent World War 2. World War 2 demonstrated how conflict
happening in a particular region of the world has ripple effects on other
countries not directly involved in it. Since the formation of the United
Nations, countries have subscribed to having friendly relations with other
nations and are watching with keen eye for the countries which are in long
standing disputes to settle those disputes amicably instead of resorting to
armory. A case in view is the 2013 North Korea threat of nuclear war against
the United States of America. Since a nuclear action, though meant against the
United States alone, would have a global effect, the United Nations intervened
by continually sending delegations to
hold talks with the North Korean government and when such talks failed, it
organized members to be poised to impose worldwide financial constraints on North
Korea should they start a nuclear war. These actions kept North Korea at check.
Also, the United
Nations has as one of its core goals to advocate for the recognition and
protection of the rights of every person as an individual and a complete
entity. This is important in ensuring that slavery which existed in the past
will not be perpetuated again. A case in point that demonstrates how relevant
Intergovernmental Organizations are in ensuring that the rights of individuals
are not suppressed by ruling class or people of authority is the 2011 North
Atlantic Treaty Organization and the United Nations’ humanitarian intervention
in Libya in a time when Libya’s leader, Colonel Muammar Gaddafi, used the
military to oppress the natives of Libya during the Arab Spring. Colonel
Gaddafi brutally suppressed any form of opposition that rose to demand
democracy in Libya. He ordered the killing of members of other prominent
families in order to secure his bid for dictatorship thereby trampling on the
human rights of many citizens. The international community condemned these
actions and Intergovernmental Organizations such NATO with consent of the
United Nations sent troops into Libya to oust out Colonel Muammar Gaddafi.
Further, the relevance
of Intergovernmental Organizations can be seen in the aids The World Bank and
the International Monetary Fund grants to countries that need money to develop
various aspects of their economies. Current News items are perpetually riddled
with stories of people migrating from poor countries like Syria, Nigeria, and
Ghana to highly developed nations in search for greener pastures. Such grants
from the International Monetary fund and the World Bank enables such poor
countries to create job opportunities for their citizens and also improve their
educational sectors and other relevant parts of their economies in order to
discourage people from migrating to other countries and becoming burdens there.
Some people who migrate to other countries end up engaging in vices that
strains the bilateral relationships that exist between the native country and
the host country.
Furthermore, International
Organizations such as the Interpol do the job of domestic police officers in
investigating, apprehending and prosecuting criminals whose activities involve
more than one country. Such criminal and terrorist organizations such as the
Boko Haram and the Al Qaeda groups are monitored by the Interpol to prevent act
of terrorism or crime. These criminals when caught by the Interpol are tried at
the International Court of Justice, another International Organization that
prosecutes matters which transcend national borders. The International Court of
Justice also adjudicates on issues involving individuals and countries. It also
adjudicates in matters of disputes involving two or more countries. A case in
point is the Nigeria and Cameroon clash over the oil and gas rich Bakassi
Peninsula which was later settled in favour of Cameroon by the International
Court of Justice.
Since all countries
interdepend on each other and there is constant movement of citizens among
countries, the need for specific rules to govern engagement of nations is
necessary and so further necessitating the existence of Intergovernmental
Organization. As has been stated earlier, in the absence of generally agreed to
and upheld rules countries may just adopt animosity towards each other which
might cause far more horrible destruction than was seen in Adolf Hitler’s time.
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