We have all gotten lost looking for a place before and did not know it until we realized it. At that point, we had two choices:

    a. Be bold and continue walking; perhaps you would find the way somehow.
    b. Make a U-turn to a place you know is right so that you can restart.

But one thing is sure: The wrong path will lead you to the wrong destination. If you stay on the lost way, it’s not going to get better. Being bold and moving faster only gets you more lost. Being bold about something does not mean your decision is right.

There are uncountable ways to mess-up life. Things can really get bad with family, friends, relationships as well as work environment. It gets worse when we do not realize our error but even much worse when we know that things are going wrong and still decide to remain unchanged. It takes unprecedented boldness to admit to yourself that you have been wrong all this while. Change is life and life is change. The greatest of people we know had to change at some point. It is a fabric of life. So embrace change when it is necessary especially when it really affects you.


First, you must understand that there is no one right way of living life. Yes, this is a fundamental understanding you need to have about life. This means that the situation you are in now is not necessarily the only way that your particular goal can be achieved. No, it is not. There mostly is a better way of going about things. That is why you should not fear making a U-turn.

Further, be clear about your life goals. I deeply believe that life has to be planned. You cannot leave life to circumstances. Design your life the way you want to live it. Now, now: I am a Christian and my life is restricted to every instruction in the Holy Bible and the Holy Bible admonishes me to work out my salvation. Therefore, even then, I have to work out my Christianity and that includes planning and setting goals to be a better Christian. In planning, you need to set goals; short, medium and long term life goals. The point about this is that, without goals you will not know if you are getting better or worse.

Now ask yourself: Am I satisfied with the life that I am living now? Am I really happy? Is something missing? Have I lost very important relationships that deeply matters to me? Do I have peace here? Whom am I kidding?
If you do not like these questions and perhaps you have gotten angry with me for making you ask them, then you are a candidate of making a U-turn.



We have to change when we are wrong. It takes humility to want to turn from the wrong way. However, when we do turn, we will find peace. I hope you have decided to change. Now follow these steps:

These steps are based on an interesting story that is in the Christian Holy Bible in the Book of Luke, the chapter 15 and the verses 11 to 20. I recommend that you read it to get the full picture.

   1.       Come to REALITY and REALIZE.

By answering the questions above, I hope you have already finished this step. You must realize what is wrong to know why and how to make it right. You must fully be aware of your situation and take full responsibility of making it right.

   2.       Reason Internally

You must reason deeply about your situation. While thinking, there are two distinct voices that will resound in your mind: the Voice of Truth made of (Voice of Responsibility, Voice of Faith, and Voice of Change) and the Voice of Error made of (Voice of Excuses, Voice of fear, and Voice of stubbornness). The two pitch against each other. You do not have to choose because they fill in the inadequacy of the other. They give you the complete picture of the situation. The important thing is for you to decide and be dedicated to changing things.

3.       Make a personal resolve. Say, “I will arise and…”

Take responsibility. If you really mean it, you will take personal responsibility of the situation. Do not get someone to act for you and definitely do not leave it to chance. Many times, we want to make a choice but we want someone else to do it for us. Just stop the blame game and take personal resolve to solve it. Say to yourself and repeat as many times that you can “I will arise and…”

4.       PLAN and REHEARSE the plan.

Make a plan of exactly what steps you are going to take. Don’t just go and do. The rehearsal may not go as planned but it helps you anticipate what the possibilities are. Where people are involved, anticipate what their reactions may be and brace yourself for the impact they may have on you. By all means, leave nothing to chance. Understand that, people will be hurt whenever you change so factor that in your plan. Consider people who are currently with you just as well as those whom you want to return to. If you can, get outside views on how you can go by your decision from professional counselors or other people who are not related to you.


Many people assume that immediately after they make a U-turn, life must turn to original. Just going to say ‘sorry’ won’t simply put you back where you want. It takes time and patience to make hearts heal and time for people to adapt. Identify all the things that has changed since you went wrong and face the harshness. Making a U-turn will also take a toll on you. You might need to expend off your comfort for others, or even pay some heavier price. Sometimes it means working your way from the bottom to the top allover. That’s fine but you need to be prepared. Don’t just jump into it.
In stages 4 and 5, you can get professional help. However, sometimes, even when we make the U-turn, we may not get back what we’ve lost. Turning around is about doing the right thing and not taking the shortcut to success.

6.       Get Physical now: action time.

No matter how much you’ve thought about it, if you don’t act on it you’d have achieved nothing. Up till now, all the processes has been mental. At some point, you really have to act for real. Go according to the plan you have made. Mark your successes and losses. Re-plan where you have to. Be courageous.

7.       Finish it.

Do not stop in the middle of the action because of hurt or unmet expectations. Truly complete and really achieve the peace that you set out to achieve. You should be able to say that ‘I have finally made it’. There will be moments of fear and moments of uncertainty but persevere.

Today we are facing choices. For some, it’s a U-turn in our attitudes; for others, it’s a U-turn in our families, friends and relations; for others too, it’s a U-turn in career.  Be encouraged to arise and indeed make a U-turn.
If you keep on going on the right path, you will arrive at the right destination. Also, being in the right place is better than making progress in the wrong place.

a. IMAGE 1 Retrieved from http://homeless.org.za/2018/07/27/the-miracle-happened/ September 18, 2018 at 08:40:05
b. IMAGE 2 Retrieved from https://activerain.com/blogsview/845247/when-a-u-turn-is-a-good-thing/ September 18, 2018 at 08:41:01
c. IMAGE 3 Retrieved from https://www.mergersandinquisitions.com/best-of/ September 18, 2018 at 08:39:01
d. IMAGE 4 Retrieved  from https://myfamilylifeinsurance.com/2017/12/18/the-madp-medicare-advantage-disenrollment-period/ September 18, 2018 at 08:42:05


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