IT IS INEVITABLE TO GET INTO A MESS IN LIFE. IT'S NOT IMPOSSIBLE We have all gotten lost looking for a place before and did not know it until we realized it. At that point, we had two choices: a. Be bold and continue walking; perhaps you would find the way somehow. b. Make a U-turn to a place you know is right so that you can restart. But one thing is sure: The wrong path will lead you to the wrong destination. If you stay on the lost way, it’s not going to get better. Being bold and moving faster only gets you more lost. Being bold about something does not mean your decision is right. There are uncountable ways to mess-up life. Things can really get bad with family, friends, relationships as well as work environment. It gets worse when we do not realize our error but even much worse when we know that things are going wrong and still decide to remain unchanged. It takes unprecedented boldness to admit to ...