
Showing posts from 2016


IN THE CHEST OF A WOMAN In a distance lightening struck deep blue. The noise kept on increasing in magnitude as if an angry mob was descending on my house. I run to the window to investigate.  Down the narrow street of this quiet suburb, I saw a large mob of women holding placards, beating frying pans against gallons and singing war songs. on the first few leading placards I could see were written the statements; ‘Hail feminism’,’what men can do women can do better’, ’we can also rule’. I watched in horror as women surrounded and lynched men who stood in their way. Like locust, their advance spelt doom for every male in the wake of their fury. The scene reminded me of my favorite play, ’In the chest of a woman’ written by Efo Kodjo Mawugbe, a Ghanaian playwright. The play tells the story of a princess who from her youthful age had longed to yield power and be ruler of a kingdom in Ghana. Though the rightful heir to the throne, her dream was denied her, because she ...


The English Philosopher Thomas Hobbes (1588) reasoned that in the absence of rules governing behavior, ‘man will live in the state of nature governed by his reason in service of his passion’. It is therefore inherent in man that, in the absence of set rules, he should strive at all cost to accomplish his or her desires. Thus, when there is a collection of such uncompromising selfishness in forming nations and groups well recognized and distinct from one another, it is exceedingly difficult to ensure that nations or groups which have attained some form of upper hand do not use this to intimidate others. The only way to prevent such an occurrence is by basing on a common will and agreement among the nations to maintain peace while pursuing development. For this kind of agreement to happen, the various nations or groups must meet and come to a consensus on the rules of engagement among themselves and also prescribe sanctions on any group among them that flaunts these rules. When the nati...


INTRODUCTION The term management is really broad and many who have tried putting it into a definite perspective have found their definitions lacking in one way or another. Conventionally, many define Management as an art. For example, Hill and McShane (2008) define Management as “the art of getting things done through people in organizations” and Follet (1868) defined Management as “the art of getting things done through people”. However, few writers have attributed Management as a process and so suggesting that it is a science too. For example, Terry (1994) defined Management as, “distinct process consisting of planning, organizing directing and controlling performed to determine and accomplish objectives by the use of people and resources”. Also, Robbins (2003) defines Management as “the process of getting things done effectively and efficiently, through people”. The diversity of these definitions in suggesting that Management can both be an art and a science shows that various pe...